1st of all, i will love to greet the birthday girl again,
~Happy Birthday~
hope all your birthday wish will come true and of course your dream too.....
Back to my business, actually i had came out an idea how should we celebrate pauline's 21 birthday....since we never help her to celebrate her birthday last year, this is due to timming wrong, everyone was busy in their own "business"
This year, since she is celebrating 21st birthday, and i was on holiday, so i just plan through it.....
The 1st person to ask is desmond and book him 1st....and ask him for his opinion, where should we go,buy what present and blah blah blah......(except present, the rest is all decide by him because i have no idea)....
After settle all the thing and tell pauline we going to celberate on sunday..........to make her happy....
However,me and pui yen came out an idea, since she is celebrating her 21st birthday, why dun we make joke on her....i agree with it and come out with an story line....
on thursday, i called pauline and tell her our date on sunday night has been cancel because desmond not free on that.......she sounded so dissapointed....but to cheer up her, and confirm that time she is free on that day, i had booked her, i will birng her out on that day to help you said goodbye on your 20 years old.....she also ok........
Sunday, the day had arrived.....
i smsed pauline said 9pm we going to yam cha at makmal...............on behalf dat,i ask them to come my house to gather at 8.30 .....when everyone was there...haha time to suprise.......
we all went to her house and me and pui yen get down the car, and let the boys to hide the car..
pauline was a bit blur...and we ask her to change clothe to skirt...she refused to do it at 1st...
thx to pui yen scold her....finally she agree.......after deli dali in her room...the princess of the day had arrived....
now...the next thing went to fetch wai sim and depart to "nga nga shan"....went to yam chaat there...and chat at there.......until 12.00 midnite....
the restaurant had put happy birthday song...
all off us sing along.......hahaha..........
*make a wish*
Instead of the traditional way cutting the cake into slide,now we use our spoon to eat without cutting it out.................
at the end, the cake was endeed up as follow:

AFter that we went to take photo around gasoline...
here is one of them..
we are "4 in love" :p
After, finish snapping some photo,is time to open the present....hahaha..........
the whole we been waiting for.....haha...
the 1st present was as follow:

is it nice?poster make my our designer (desmond)....
and thx for rinka who help me bring this poster to print...the 2nd present...due to is the present is quite private...
so that, i decide not to post it here....
Finally, a group photo...before we leave gasonline....
After we leave, gasonline we went for a walk walk, and enjoy the nite view of kl and not forget snapping some photo for memory before we went home...
here is the night view of KL...
really nice...but a bit blur....