have been counting down day back in malaysia..
but i forget counting down day till exam...
still have 2 more assignment to pass up...
and many topic more to study in order to prepared my final exam..
kind of busy..but feel kinda lazy now..having no idea..
weather today is quite colddddd...weird weather..sometime cold..sometimes hot.....
1 more excatly to step up the land of orang utan........
been planning what i want to do, what i want to eat, where i want to go..........
i have 3 and a half month holiday..before comming to land of koala bear........
seriously, looking forward to be back in malaysia
miss my relative so much.
miss my lovely bed room and beloved bingo so much................
the 1st thing i arrived in KL, i wan to eat "yu tou mai"
roti canai, tissue......alllllllllllllll
and spicy food...
of course, i miss my aunty's home cook food..
she will be taking off from work to cook dinner for me...oh yes..
living here for 10 week,
oni know that, how family is important!!!
really dunno i cant live without them..
beside friend and family.......
the want i really wan to see is bingo boy...
dunno how is him now?
i have no idea..he dun recongize me.....
im kinda worry now......
if he dun recongize me how ler?
will he forget me, will he?
beside that,
my belove bedroom..
seriously miss it......
misss my bed badly.........
in adddition, i also miss all my beloved soft toy back in malaysia
back in my room, limited edition carebear,
and more.......
last but not least, my god bro and sis who always made me laugh..when i in bad mood
bao bei,
jie jie back lu.......
follow back jie jie,
can dunwan stay in baba's car liao
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